Indiana University Columbus (IU Columbus) is First-Generation by design.
We are a commuter campus in south-central Indiana with less than a thousand students. While we have certainly been aware of our first-generation students, our support of these students has not been systematic or a part of any coordinated effort. Along with colleagues from all Indiana University (IU) campuses, we have become a part of the FirstGen Forward Network and created a community of practice across IU. We are excited to be working with such great partners.
Columbus, Indiana is a national showcase of modern architecture featuring the work of world-renowned architects and designers. At IU Columbus, we are embracing our community’s architectural heritage as we design structures and programs that enhance the flourishing of the first-generation students who make up roughly 30% of our student population
There are several characteristics of modern design that inform our process.
We are seeking ways to demystify the higher education experience for our first-generation students while also streamlining programming to make it more accessible. To avoid duplication, we are collaborating with programs that already exist. For example, our first-generation initiatives are making use of programs Indiana University already has in place to support Indiana’s 21st Century Scholar program for low- and limited-income students, many of whom are first-generation. We have also chartered a chapter of the national first-generation honor society Alpha Alpha Alpha as a way of celebrating the accomplishments while providing a structure for organizing student lead programming and initiatives.
It is essential that at IU Columbus we recognize our first-generation students as an integral part of our college community, bringing their own unique experiences and gifts to our institution. They are not a problem to be solved! Beyond making sure our first-generation students are full participants in campus life, it is important to make sure that our efforts on behalf of these students are integrated across the curriculum and in every aspect of campus life. Every class, every student life event, and every service offered needs to be first-generation aware.
Rather than imposing structures from above, we are seeking a more organic process focused on input from first-generation students about their particular perspectives. A student panel convened for our First-generation College Celebration in November, was the first step in this process. As we move forward, our first-generation students will be involved at every level of program planning and implementation. We anticipate that our Alpha Alpha Alpha chapter will be a key partner with us in this.
Our work for and with our first-generation students must be effective. We are committed to regular and rigorous evaluation of our work and look forward to working with our colleagues across all Indiana University campuses to develop rubrics for measuring success.
Keeping up with the latest scholarship and taking advantage of professional development opportunities offered by FirstGen Forward and other qualified providers will keep our campus from becoming complacent once our programming is launched. We also realize the need to be open to learning from those things we try that do not work and to not let failure ever stand in the way of trying something new.
IU Columbus will be bold in our welcome of first-generation students. We will be bold in our advocacy for these students. We will be bold in our celebration of their accomplishments. We will be bold in embracing promising practices. We will be bold in holding ourselves accountable. We strive to be as bold in our actions as our first-generation students are themselves, breaking tradition in pursuit of new and different opportunities for our future.
For more information on Indiana University Columbus's approach, please visit their website here.