
Refining and Enhancing Support for First-Generation College Students: A Collaborative Effort of Success

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First-generation initiatives at Indiana University Bloomington (IU Bloomington) have taken place for a long time. IU has proudly provided space for multiple first-generation college student programs, many of which have become staples of the university and its welcoming environment. We have outstanding support for first-gen specific scholarship programs such as The Group Scholars and 21st Century Scholars programs. We have also been fortunate enough to have had a Trio presence represented at various times throughout the history of IU Bloomington. In addition, there has been a plethora of initiatives aimed at first-generation college students.

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With a campus as large as ours, with nearly 50,000 students, we must collaborate to meet the needs of our various populations. We have many first-generation college champions. Before our new first-generation office was established, our colleagues in First Year Experience consistently provided programmatic resources that were instrumental in supporting students and their families in successfully navigating the transition into Bloomington. Students also received support from departments such as Arts and Humanities who create consistent events and student organizations to imbue a sense of belonging for our first-gen community through visible, tangible actions. The results indicated that over 89.6 % of first-generation college students surveyed felt comfortable being themselves at the institution. 76.5 % felt like a part of the community, and 79.5 % felt valued by the institution in 2024.

Our new First-Generation and Limited/Low-Income Support Programs office has enabled us to bolster our resources and unify our efforts to support first-generation college students. We created a coalition bringing key campus partners together to discuss first-gen opportunities for success and collaboration. In addition, we participate in additional communities of practice within the IU system to ensure the best possible outcome for our students to experience college. This has also allowed the university to host our highly anticipated First-Generation Celebration Day across the university so that students are aware of the efforts to enhance the feeling of belonging and success.

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It's our goal to transform our student experiences through a lens of positivity as we use asset-based approaches to empower this unique student demographic. Our goal is to provide Indiana University Bloomington first-generation college students with the resources they want and, according to them, need. We feel extremely fortunate to serve 4,795 undergraduate and graduate first-generation students. We aim to help our students use their unique set of skills to become transformative leaders. Thank you all for taking the time to read this article, and we wish you the best of luck navigating the puzzle of supporting your students in the most courageous, authentic way possible.

For more information on Indiana University Bloomington's approach, please visit their website here.