Journal of First-generation Student Success

Book Reviews

Submission Guidelines

Book Reviews provide a brief, clear description and overview of the contents of the book while providing information on the scope and organization of the book. They also offer the main themes of the publication. These reviews (2,000-2,500 words) can include an evaluation that is both positive and negative and discusses both strengths and weaknesses while providing examples where necessary. Book Reviews submitted to the Journal of First-generation Student Success should focus on why this book is interesting and useful to the field and how it relates to the experiences or identities of first-generation college students. The Journal publishes reviews of current books defined as books published no more than 12 months before submission to the associate editor in charge of book reviews.

Some questions the book review could address may include:

  • What are the contributions this book makes?
  • How is the book related to, how does it supplement, or how does it complicate current work on the topic?
  • Who is the audience of this book?
  • How well has the author achieved their stated goals?
  • What contributions could have been made, but were not made or could have been expanded on more fully?
  • What arguments or claims were problematic, weak, etc.?

Technical Requirements

File Format: Manuscripts must be submitted in .doc or .docx format.

Length: No more than 2,500 words. 

Format: American Psychological Association (APA) Style, 7th Edition

Spacing and Fonts: Double-spaced, including references, block quotes, tables, and figures, consistently applied throughout the manuscript; standard 12-point font throughout

Abstract: 100 words or less.

Language: English or with translations to English included; asset-based framing and writing free of prejudiced, biased, or disrespectful language.

Voice: Active voice with research findings reported in the past tense.

Professional Preparation: Manuscripts exceeding the length limits or requiring additional proofreading, formatting, and/or reference checks will be returned to the author(s) for further editing. Any identification of authorship must be removed before submitting the manuscript. 

Submission: All manuscripts must be submitted through ScholarOne.

Exceptions to any of the above instructions should be discussed with the Co-Editors before submission. For questions about book reviews, including whether or not a particular book would be considered relevant by the Journal of First-generation Student Success, please contact with the citation for the book(s).

Submit your Manuscript

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Submissions to the Journal of First-generation Student Success are accepted on a rolling basis. All manuscripts are subject to a closed, peer-review process (this language reflects a shift to employ inclusive language rather and move away from the industry term “blind review”). Once submitted, the first author will receive confirmation that the submission has been received. Authors are able to track the progress of their submissions in the ScholarOne system.